What's the difference of Multi-body strategy between Catia, Creo, NX and SW?

PTC provided multi-body concepts from Creo Parametric 7.0 and it looks more like Catia's multi-body strategy than SW or NX, but other behaviours looks like SW/NX such as operating boolean or fillet, chamfer, e.g.

  1. Catia: 

    1.1. All features not only boolean operatings can only be applied on actived part-body;

    1.2. Part-body needs to be created before any features founded in Catia, more than 1 splitting solid can be contained in each part-body.

  2. SW & NX: 

    2.1. Creat boolean operatings and then choose which body we wanna apply, other features can be directely applied on the body without active(None active concept to be exact) ;

    2.2. Automatically creat 1 body per splitting solid that we can't choose how many splitting solids 1 body can hold.

  3. Creo: 

    3.1. Creat boolean operatings and then choose which body we wanna apply, other features can be directely applied on the body without active;

    3.2. Part-body can be created before or after any features founded, more than 1 splitting solid can be contained in each part-body.

I am considering why they chose such completely different strategy especially for QTY. of splitting solids in a part-body. Is there any congenital limitations for those 4 applications make this difference?

