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Here are the first questions we received. Feel free to ask or comment in the comment section.
Question 1 : How closely is this process integrated with CATIA? What is the output format? Can it be directly consumed by downstream geometry?
Answer : - xGenerative Design uses the same geometry operators as any other CATIA application and you can chose to publish the geometry elements that you would like to reuse. Publishing the results will make them available as any other geometry that you create with CATIA. It is then possible to export the design as a 3DXML file or even in a neutral file format.
Q2 : will it be available in Catia V5R??
Answer : - xGenerative Design is available on the Cloud and on web. The designs created in it can be directly accessed and reused in the native 3DEXPERIENCE applications. To use with V5 it will have to be shared in a neutral file format.
Q3 : what is the main advantage of CGM compared to grasshopper
Answer : - xGenerative design uses the same CGM or CATIA Geometric Modeler as the native CATIA V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE applications. It is very robust and capable of handling complex surface operations. The main advantage is the tight integration between xGenerative Design Design or the graph view and the 3D. This allows for seemless workflows not only within the design but also with many of the other applications on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform like for simulation and data management.
Q4 : Is Training Material available for DS partners?
Answer : - Yes, there is are training materials created and shared with DS partners, you can contact your DS representative for more information on how to access these.
Q5 : Especial tools to kinematics
Answer : - For the moment, xGenerative Design allows to create design features only.
Q6 : The solution have a material catalog preinstall to do an effective analysis?
Answer : - Material catalogs are available and can be applied through the xDesign application.
Q7 : Can I take a series of photos of a shape from different angles and have Catia generate an STL for trimming and patterning?
Answer : - There are other tools on the platform that offer these capabilities.
Q9 : I just wonder, how can this module use for mechanical engineering
Answer : - xGenerative design is a very intuitive tool for capturing design intent and creating complex parametric designs. It allows exploring design variants very quickly and easily. Of course, depending on the design to create, xDesign could be better suited. But together, xDesign and xGenerative Design can cover a variety of mechanical engineering design workflows.
Q8 : Is there a separate licence for this module?
Answer : - Yes, that is explained in the webinar.
Q9 : It could be possible that Catia 3D Generative Modeling tell me which manufacturing process is suitable for a given design?
Answer : - No, xGenerative design does not provide insights into the best suited manufacturing processes.
Q10 : Does XGen work with Generative Shape Design - with G2 continuities
Answer : - Yes, surfaces created in GSD can be directly used in xGenerative Design and there are certain operations that allow to create surfaces with G2 continuity.
Answer : - xGenerative Design will allow the creation of complex shapes and structures that can be produced using Additive manufacturing capabilities.
Q12 : How can we control bio-shapes parametrically?
Answer : - You will find many examples in the webinar.
Q13 : What are the EKL licenses required to run/develop this kind of tools?
Answer : - There are no EKL licenses required for xGenerative Design.
Q14 : Would manufacturing/design requirements be something that is considered within the workbench as inputs to the pattern?
Answer : - You can use the application to introduce manufacturing rules into your design. We do not for the moment provide any manufacturing specific tools.
Q15 : Which toolboxes in CATIA are mostly recommanded to generate complex surfaces inspired of the nature?
Answer : - You will find the answer with many details in the webinar.
Q16 : Is XGD the best 3D application in thE WORLD ?
Answer : - We will let our users decide that.
If you missed our previous webinars, you might also want to watch the recordings:
- Power'by connects V5 to the future!
- 3D Generative modeling solutions for AEC
- Electrical 2D/3D Systems Design and Manufacturing
- Function driven generative design for lightweight engineering
- Die face design
- Unlock the power of digitalization for Process Engineers & Fluidic Engineers
- Achieve Engineering Excellence with CATIA
- Systems Architecture and safety
- Complex systems simulation with Dymola and other open standards
WEBINAR ENGINEERING DESIGN 3D Generative Innovator Knowledgeware