[WEBINAR | LIVE] ICEM Surf 2022, January 25th, 9:30 UTC

Experience our new CATIA TV webinar program exploring the release of ICEM Surf 2022, following our CATIA subject matter expert @NM with an exceptional CATIA TV on the topic. 



Often described as the reference system for the creation of Class-A surfaces, ICEM Surf is the industry leading Curve and Surface explicit geometry modeling tool for defining, analyzing and performing high end visualization of complex free-form shape CAD surface models to the highest quality.

Used in product design processes throughout automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and press-tool design industries, providing solutions for direct surface modeling, refinement, reconstruction and scan modelling. Advanced tools such as Global modelling and industry defined analysis tools enable designers to detect subtle surface problems and check for compliances with regulations, whilst simultaneously performing high precision surfacing and experiencing real-time 3D visualization.

Join us for this webinar to discover in video and in presentation the new features of this 2022 release !

The CATIA TV webinar will be held in this post, in our CATIA Community, giving you the capacity to interact in live with our subject matter experts. Don't hesitate to ask your questions !