Hello 3DExperience Fans!
The 3DExperience can be accesses on two levels, using a Web Interface for administrative work, or the Rich Client for content development.
This video is an introduction to the Web Interface. You will see how to organize different dashboards by adding web applications.
You can access to the 3DExperience’s web interface on your favorite web-browser even on lightweight devices such as tablets. You can use it for data management: Lifecycle, Bill of Material, classification, etc. Review product content (CAD/CAE/CAM) within the browser using the 3Dviewer. Accelerate collaboration: explain news ideas through social dashboarding, funnel ideas, etc. Supervise your company’s workflow with metric reader. Organize your projects creating planning and assigning tasks to the different actors. Unify all the different disciplines in your company, everybody can access the same level of information. It is possible to give restricted access to customers/employees.
This video is divided in several parts. Each part explains a different way to organize your dashboard, according to your roles.
1) Platform management 01:11
2) Personal Dashboard 03:47
3) Designer Dashboard 08:31
4) Manager Dashboard 14:09
5) Analyst Dashboard 18:09
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