🌟the new www.CATIA.com website in now Live !

Dear all, after a few months of work we are pleased to announce the opening of the new version!

Here is the NEW complete address: https://www.3ds.com/products/catia 

and the associated Shortcut address: www.catia.com


With this new user-interface, we offer you simpler, more fluid navigation that is aligned with the rest of the Dassault Systèmes site.

Now we can more easily know:

  • What are the 5 disciplines (/domains) that link CATIA?
  • What other products are included in the CATIA portfolio?
  • Where can I find links to the CATIA External Communities?
  • What is the CATIA Champion program?
  • ...

I invite you to update your browser's bookmarks and visit our new pages...

Best regards, 


A big thank you to all participants, especially :

@GG ; @HF ; @AV ; @CC ; @GS ; @AC ; @CB ; @FB ; @YS ; @ME ; @GD ; @TC ; @BH ; @GC ; @GB ; @TC ; @FB ; @OS  

& also : @NC ; @AH ; @MP ; @AH ; @HM ; @GC ; @JG