We have been trying to resolve a very particular template issue using the SolidWorks Inspection software.
The constraints come from having to upload PWC FAIR’s through PWC’s website and PWC’s NetInspect portal. (We are login into NetInspect through our customer portal and not directly through NetInspect Website)
Our goal here was to optimize the template to be more efficient as we are with other clients that allow us to directly upload to NetInspect from SolidWorks Inspection.
We have found that we can upload directly to the PWC NetInspect portal via an excel worksheet but it needs to be done using a specific template and specific formatting for NetInspect to properly fill out properly. ( See attached Excel Template provided from NetInspect Website. Other unknown options are available from the website)
Our main issue revolves around the form 3, “8. Requirements” fields.
Rules to follow on how to enter the data are liste in Column ‘’ U’’ of the provided file:
One of the issues is that the “Characteristic Token” options in SolidWorks Inspection Software don’t allow us to individually select information fields from the program for specific types and sub-types for the requirement field.
There is no option for selecting a nominal value for dimension-based characteristics (ie R.125 +/- .005) that wont also for example output the “value” field from the “note” “type/sub-type”, causing the two to mix into the same column on our PWC template.
We would like to know if there’s a work around for issues like this? (We thought about creating excel functions to filter out but is it the best option?)
Are there some functions built into SolidWorks Inspection that might allow us to achieve the result were looking for?