Skeleton Methodology - A Simple Example

A few days ago, I (re-)designed a plastic model of a fictive spaceship (Apollo 27).

That for me a good opportunity to showcase the Skeleton Methodology, on a simple Product (Title: Apollo 37) with 2 sub-assemblies (Fuselage & Engines).



Using these data, it's possible to illustrate 2 Relational Design use cases.

Modification of the Master (or Main) Skeleton

Any modification of the Main Skeleton is propagated (after launching the Assembly Update) to Fuselage and Engines Skeletons, and then to the final plastic parts.



Main Skeleton Replacement

As all the driving elements (geometries and parameters) have been published, it's also possible to replace the existing Main Skeleton by a new one, with different design but the same published elements.

All links are then automatically reconnected, and then the geometry of the finals plastics parts updated according to the new specification.