Scan to print: a demo of reverse engineering in a 3DExperience context

This is a simple example of a full process covering part scanning, reverse engineering, printing preparation, actual 3D printing and shape control. It implies the use a a hand scanner and a 3D printer, both of them available at DS site in Aix en Provence. It also shows an example of using reverse engineering applications Digitized Shape Preparation, Digitized Shape to Surface and 3D Printing, all of them available for example in role RPE.

The video is the one used by Daniel PYZAK for his presentation at COE but the voice over is a different recording. It is a live recording, featuring French accent, parasite noises, slips of tongue, bubbling... Candidates for a re-recording with a perfect English accent are welcome!

CATIA Reverse Enginnering 3DEXPERIENCE RPE