Dear CATIA friends,
Stay tuned to this page where we will deliver you what's happening right now in Darmstadt!
Through plenary sessions with industry thought leaders, user community focused breakout tracks, hands-on technology and networking opportunities, the 3DEXPERIENCE® Conference – Design, Modeling & Simulation, formerly the Dassault Systèmes User Conference, gives you the opportunity to learn more about user experiences with a focus on communities for creative designers, mechanical engineers, systems & electrical engineers, simulation engineers, electric, connected & autonomous vehicle ecosystems, durability & fatigue, multibody systems simulation engineers, electromagnetic engineers, fluid engineers and many more.
Ready to welcome you here in Darmstadt! The user conference for design, modeling and simulation starts this tuesday 19 with a series of workshops |
@MC and @FJ (from left) open the conference. From a variety of user conferences in the simulation area and the Catia User Conference has now become a large joint event for designers, designers and simulation experts. | |
The future is generative design, driven by requirements. The prerequisite for this is the breaking down of the wall between construction and simulation - ideally based on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Jurecka describes the definition and simulation of a car air conditioner in Simulia and shows how Systems Engineering drives the simulation. | |
The conference starts with 600 attendees! | |
Cableway video project | |
10:35: @AA of Dassault Systèmes Design Studio evokes the era of simulation. We live in an artificial world where modeling and virtualization is just another logical step. The designers of the future do not create products, but connections, experiences. It describes the design studio: "We design for Impact". Man must be at the center, not technology. | |
Keynote from Andreas Enslin (Miele) on "Digital Twins and Analog Users - How to create User Experience for a household robot" Andreas Enslin von Miele talks about design and emotion. But today, complexity continues to increase as technology enables more and more functionality. "The evolution of technology is exponential, the evolution of humans is linear." More and more interfaces and even products are becoming virtual - humans remain analog and are driven by emotions. In Japan, there is a shrine for "dead" robots like the Aibo - a testament to the pattern-fixation of man. "Loving" cars are received positively. Man is conditioned to subordinate movements and processes to meaning and emotion - so much so that a project in which a robot evacuated mines by triggering them and losing one leg each, was stopped. The generals took pity on the self-sacrificing robot! | |
Enslin's theme now is to translate this pattern-fixation and emotionalization into product design. Miele designers found that 80 percent of users name their vacuum cleaner robot. Accordingly, the robot must be designed to allow these feelings. Just as pets change our behavior - we stay home on New Year's Eve because the dog is sensitive to noise - robots will change our behavior. And the design has to be able to answer that. | |
Keynote: Engineering and digital development through Challenging times by Timo Kuthada - IVK/FKFSTimo Kuthada talks about the simulation of a test stand. FKFS is the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart, IKV the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines at the University. | |
FKFS / IVK deals with all aspects of the simulation of cars with the exception of crashes. One of the projects is a driving dynamics test bench on which cars can drive. The wheels stand on steel belts, which rotate and which can simulate the surface of the road. One important task is to find out why there are differences between the behavior of the vehicle in the virtual simulation and the ride on the test bench, how these differences can be compensated and what they mean. | |
He examines the influence of tires and rims on the CO2 emissions of vehicles, whereby even the question of whether the label of the tire raised or engraved should be designed - the latter is in any case better. In the development of stability systems for cars uses Kuthada Simpack. Kuthada shows the complex requirements of the thermal management of electric cars, but also the development of autonomously driving cars to the developer - none of them can be solved without simulation. | |
11:50: Punctual handover to the two hosts announcing the date for the next conference: 10-12. November 2020, back here in Darmstadtium. Next is lunch, at 13:30 we continue with breakout sessions, of which I report live again. | |
13:20: The room Dynamicum fills up slowly, here runs the track Consumer Experience Deign - one of a total of eleven tracks that run this afternoon mostly between 13:30 and 17:50 in parallel. Afterwards, the participants split up into seven update sessions, before the evening event starts at 18:20. So much food for those interested - the selection is really hard. | |
I have decided on two previous customer experience experiences, @PV launches "The Design Studios purpose". Villa is the manager of the Design Center of Excellence at Dassault Systèmes. He sees a shift away from product design to consumer experience, where the design mandate goes far beyond the design of the actual product. For example, Electrolux has appointed a CXO - Chief Experience Officer - who is responsible for design in areas such as human-machine interfaces and marketing. "The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is the collaborative game changer to implement design thinking in the enterprise." It is three-dimensional, multidisciplinary and integrated and last but not least a collaboration platform. | |
Track 1: Electric, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Motor design optimization including electromagnetic performance and mechanical stress | |
Track 3DEXPERIENCE Industry Process Digital Continuity for Conceptual Crashworthiness @GJ | |
Track 3 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Program Management "Program Management and Project Intelligence for collaboration along the value chain" | |
Track 3: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Connect4Quality - Embedding Total-Quality-Management into the Product Development Process | |
Track Fluids Including Acoustics CFD applications during yatch engineering Michael Krula from Sunreef Yatchs | |
Track 2: Lightweight Engineering @PS We continue in the track "Lightweight Engineering" with the lecture of Peter Stühn on "Introduction to 3D Master". The drawbacks of 2D drawings have been discussed often enough - including a lot of hassle in the design and even more effort in making changes. The key drivers for the 3D master model, according to a study by Tech Clarity, are improved collaboration with suppliers, customers, and internal stakeholders, reduced paper usage, and the drive to increase engineering efficiency. The study interviewed companies that wanted to introduce 3D Masters as well as those that had already migrated. Interestingly, the point "effort in the creation" before the introduction of the first place is the expectations, then he comes in fourth place behind the drivers mentioned above. | |
Obviously, the benefits to the workflow are completely underestimated. The 3D model will be supplemented with the typical data previously defined on the drawing - surface, tiara and others - and will become the single source of reference. Especially for non-CAD users who were previously excluded from communication because they could not interpret drawings. Stühn introduces the Catia apps that are part of the 3D Master section. The data from the 3D master can be viewed in the web browser without a CAD system license. | |
Track 1: Electric, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles @TR "Addressing the Challenges of Electric Autonomous Mobility in a Holistic Way" | |
Track Multybody System Simulation Simpack R&D update | |
Bruno Saint Jalmes - Airbus It follows Bruno Saint-Jalmes, Chief Designer of Airbus, who reports how the aircraft manufacturer implements these ideas. It should be designed not single things such as seats or luggage compartments, but a "door to door experience". A good example are cruise ships, which are no longer about the transport from A to B, but the stay on board itself. In the car, the future is no longer about the engine, but about the interior. The flight, formerly a luxury property, is developing more and more towards the bus ride, including the tight seating. | |
Track 3DEXPERIENCE Industry Processes Collaborative Antenna Placement @Monika Christine Balk | |
Track Multybody System Simulation Simpack R&D Solver Update | |
Track Fluids Including Acoustics A step towards integrated engineering: CFD integrated CAD solution for modeling HVAC systems on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform | |
Track 2: Lightweight Engineering 3DMaster with Thomas Giffels from Technica and Eugen Grün from RECARO Aircraft Seating Also in this track follows the lecture from the Dassault practice, this time Thomas Giffel speaks of the system house Technia. Giffel calls the typical current state in companies "2xD Master", there is a drawing in which is referred to many dimensions on the 3D model. However, the transfer of tolerances and annotations into the 3D model is not really 3D master yet. For a real implementation, all information in the 3D master must be integrated in the 3D master, for example also information on high-end visualization or marketing information. Above all, the 3D master is not a one-way street or a product of the engineering department, but a product of the entire company. Giffel gave a lot of valuable hints for the implementation of the 3D Master and the procedure on the way there. For example, you first have to define how the work is done so far. Who prints out drawings? Who uses them? And how do you get from the former to the latter? Only then is it possible to define a path from 2D to the 3D master | |
Track 2: Lightweight Engineering 3DMaster with Thomas Giffels from Technica and Eugen Grün from RECARO Aircraft Seating | |
Track 2: Lightweight Engineering Fasteners and Manufacturing processes (Sheetmetal, Fasteners, Mold & Die) with @AS | |
Now it's time to go deep into Systems Engineering in the lecture "A System of Systems Approach to the Age of Experience for Sustainable Innovation: Application to City Smart Traffic Management Challenges" by @GF and @EM , both by Dassault Systèmes. The talk is in the track "Electric, Connected & Autonomous Vehicles". Mileviciene describes the traffic problems that today's traffic brings with it: traffic jams, noise, emissions and a lot of land use. "Not so fun fact": A motorway junction occupies more space than the city of Copenhagen in 1850. A man-powered vehicle needs at 40 mkm / h because of the safety distance 60m ², an autonomous vehicle 18,7m ². | |
But how do you get the many players in traffic under one roof? The solution is called System of Systems Engineering. With the help of the UAF (Unified Architecture Framework) standard, which is based on UML and SysML, it is possible to network and simulate several systems in one system engineering model. With the help of the CATIA Magic System of Systems Architect tool, such frameworks can be set up, planned and further processed. Mileviciene showed in an impressive demo how a crossroads with traffic is simulated. | |
Track Electromagnetics High Tech CST simulation of an inverter using GaN transitors in parallel Roger Franchino from Schneider Electric | |
Track 3DEXPERIENCE Openness The continuity of digital process between 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and SAP Florian Eichler from Cenit Benjamin Zoch from Hansgrohe | |
Track 5G Communications 5G Small Cell Base Station Antenna Array Design | |
Track 3DEXPERIENCE Openness 3DEXPERIENCE - SAP integration - connecting worlds Wilfried Strangman from Cideon | |
Again Miele: The track "3DEXPERIENCE Openness" deals with the integration of the platform with SAP using the CIDEON interface. Miele has been using Catia since 1982 and uses digital processes in many areas. Johannes Baumann from Miele-IT showed the goal of a single data backbone, which is fed as a single source of truth by all processes and used. Today, many objects are created automatically in SAP - whereas the creation of a material used to take two days, this is possible today at the touch of a button. 3D files in the formats STEP and JT are automatically created manually instead of earlier. However, the challenges on the SAP side were underestimated, but thanks to partners Cideon and: em, these hurdles were overcome. | |
3DEXPERIENCE Openness Integration of the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform with other Company systems on a Power'By-Technology Basis Peter Pfalzgraf from Prostep AG | |
It will take over Peter Pfalzgraf from Prostep AG who will present a demo scenario for the integration of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform into other systems based on Power'By technology. The scenario includes three design centers, Teamcenter + CATIA V5, Windchill + CATIA V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE, and DELMIA work preparation. Power'By enables the integration of data from different sources - in this case CATIA V5 - into a 3DEXPERIENCE overall model. Prostep provides platform plug-ins that import parts from Windchill, Teamcenter, and other PDM systems into the platform. The overall model can be - although the corresponding data is still in V5 format - for example, continue to work in DELMIA or - as shown by Pfalzgraf - convert to V5 and play back in Teamcenter. | |
The final presentation will be given by @SK from Dassault Systèmes' Business Intelligence team. It's about business intelligence across distributed data lakes. The 3DEXPERIENCE now includes over 500 apps and about 1,400 roles. However, data is also outside the platform - and these must be understood in terms of content, if business intelligence is to function. For example, the software can use KI, machine learning and other technologies to find and structure similar statements in text files. For example, from workshop reports and customer complaints, a recurrent pattern can be filtered out, which indicates a weak spot that can then be eliminated in the current series and possibly eliminated in a retrofit in the existing fleet. The software can also analyze the detected abnormality and make suggestions for remedial action. | |
Track 5G Communications Advanced Packaging for 5G and Radar Applications Andy Heinig from Fraunhofer IIE/EAS | |
Track Electromagnetics High Tech Optimization of IoT Antennas- from classical to innovative approach Georg Ramsch from Ingenieurbüro Ramsch | |
Track Configured Product Management How SCHULER Pressen uses advanced search tools to efficiently find and reuse parts Lenoard Lübbers from Schuler Pressen | |
Antonio Scarcelli and Peter Stuehn will show the latest developments in the 3DEXPERIENCE 2020x. The number of roles in the on-premise and cloud versions of the 3DEXPERIENCE are similar, with 82 of the 88 on-premise roles in this area being available in the cloud. 3DPlay is a viewer in which data from the platform can be displayed, including annotations and tolerances. Collision analyzes can also be carried out. 3D Generative Innovator allows you to apply patterns to geometries, such as corrugation to a handle - the patterns are based on mathematical functions. The software can also be used on touch devices. CATIA Engineering IP Control removes internal geometries and controllable details from a model to protect intellectual property when sharing models. Concept parts can be broken down into several part files - each with its own origin and coordinate system. In Mechanism Simulation Designer (MKS role) different human models can be created and connected to products. There is also a lot going on in the steel construction sector; the deformation of the façades is accompanied by the patterns on top. Functions for "laying" of roads and rail tracks have been extended. | |