A few days ago, after reading the post describing the launch of the Leonardo da Vinci 3D Design Challenge, I decided to start developing my ideas around one of the sketches available on the codex - folio 855 R.
While I was a child, I was impressed by Leonardo ideas and concepts (as most of Mechanical Engineers I think..), but also by all his drawings and paintings.
Now, I would like to share here what I have done using our Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform to bring to virtual life one mysterious Leonardo's concept: his Swing Bridge / Ponte Mobile.
Leonardo's swing bridge concept can be seen on the codex folio 855 R http://codex-atlanticus.it/assets//2000/000R-855.jpg
The Concept
Looking at the codex, you can see of course the bridge itself with its main axis.
But if you look in details, 2 wheels and 2 rope reels are visible too.
The Bridge
The first step for me was to start by designing the bridge as an assembly of wooden beams and plates thanks to CATIA applications (Assembly Design, Part Design, Generative Shape Design, etc...).
Each beam, each plate, each rope, etc... has been designed as "unitary parts".
In order to allow the junction between the main pillar (the rotation axis) and the 4 mains beams "supporting" the bridge, the width of the bridge changes over its length.
After this step, I added
two ramps (in stone), and checked that the rotation of the bridge is possible (using CATIA Mechanical System application)
- and basic land and river 3D representations
The Rotation System
Looking at Leonardo's sketch, I could imagine a possible rotation system for his bridge, using 2 rope reels (one on each side of the bridge).
The bridge is then able to rotate around its main axis "on its 2 wheels".
The Digital Mock-Up
Here are the 3D CATIA data of this Swing Bridge.
The Experience
Using 3DEXCITE Creative Experience and Planet Studio application, I finished my project by creating two simple experiences:
- the first one to simulate the crossing of the bridge by a human avatar
- the second one to integrate my design of Leonardo Swing Bridge into a virtual universe.
In this experience, I added a horse on the bridge, as Leonardo seems to have drawn one on his sketch.