Jing Zhang from BJEV becomes a CATIA SFE Champion!

Champion China SFE ​​​​​​​

A few weeks ago, was held a CATIA SFE event in Yangzhou, China. Among the participants, Jing Zhang was representing Beijing Electric Vehicle Co.,LTD (BJEV), a company founded in 2009, initiated and controlled by Beijing Automotive Group Co.,LTD which is one of the Top 500 of the world enterprises. Jianbin Xu and Manohar Prabhu were very pleased to welcome Jing to the CATIA Champions Program, as a CATIA SFE Champion!

Jianbin Xu (Dassault Systèmes), Jing Zhang (Beijing Electric Vehicle Co.,LTD), Prabhu Manohar (Dassault Systèmes)

Jing Zhang was graduated in Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in June 2009, then Joined BAIC in Feb. 2014 and Joined BJEV in November2015. Jing is focused on concept designing and structure optimization of Body-in-White, etc.She is also working on  Research on method of parameterization & optimization and applying to BIW  development  in  Vehicle Platform development.

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About the CATIA Champions Program

The CATIA Champions Program features and rewards the most skilled and influential Users in the CATIA ecosytem, who shine by their passion, expertise, and their overall participation to build up our amazing community. CATIA Champions are strong brand ambassadors, both online and offline, inspiring other users to greater levels of achievement and success.

How to apply to the CATIA Champions Program >
​​​​​​​Thank you for reading, don't hesitate to connect with me & and add me to your network in this community. Talk to you soon, keep creating !