(Immediate) Save as New vs Duplicate...info

A customer asked me recently the difference between Save as New and Immediate Save as New. I had to search to provide an answer. So I am sharing with you my understanding...

New file

Well, it seems Save as New will be available in the Save with option panel only if the file is previously saved.

It seems the same limitation exist with Duplicate:

Saved file

If the file is saved and no modification has been done, the new file will have the same geometry:

The only difference is that in your CATIA you will have only the new file after you validate the Save as New, while if you use the Duplicate function, both the old and the new file will be available.

File in an assembly

When you Save as New a product in an assembly, the current product is replace with the new one.


📢 Same remark as previously, with Save a New, the old file is closed from CATIA session.

If you use Duplicate, the new assembly is open in a new window in CATIA.

Modified file

If you modify the file after you open it, the result will be different using one or the other function.

Save as New will take the modified file to make a new file, while Duplicate will take the last saved file to make a new file.

📢 Same remark as previously, with Save a New, the old file is closed from CATIA session.

So what about Save as New and Immediate Save as New?

When you use Save as New here is what is going on:

After you use the menu Save with option

Select the product you want to :Save as New" and click the function

Define the Prefix you wan to apply to the new file

and click OK... note the modification in the dialog box...

Nothing happened yet in the database, you can cancel and go back to before you called the Save with option...

If you validate, the the new file is created and placed in the assembly (removing the previous one)

3 new objects in database: new file SaveAsNew Product B, new link from Product A to new file and new link from new file to Part 1.

Now if we use Immediate Save AS New:

we fill the info in the GUI

press OK

This is when the new file (ImmediateSaveAsNew) is created in the Database

the new links to the parent is not saved in the database yet.

only when we validate we actually replace the old one with the new one in the database

1 object created: new link from Product A to ImmediateSaveAsNew-SaveAsNew-Product B

1 object deleted: link from Product A to SaveAsNew-Product B

Save children and Parent

So the difference between Immediate Save as New is that after the prefix input dialog box, the new file is created with link to children.

Duplicating Parents and Children at the same time?

You can duplicate all parent from the file (in the context) when you select the option

The option is not available in Save as New...

If you want to duplicate Children, the option is available in Duplicate and Save as New (both)

Any relation between source and SaveAsNew files?

You can see the history of file creation, thanks to the Revision function in Collaborative Lifecycle.if you activate "show duplicates"