Hybrid Design / Mechanical & Shape Design

After my post on multi-body design, I would like today to quickly share with you information on what is, I think, another main differentiating capability available in our CATIA Mechanical&Surface roles: the Hybrid Design.

What is Hybrid Design ?

Hybrid Design is the capability to mix Wireframe & Surface features with Solid ones in Solid bodies

Designing with Hybrid Design

Note that, even when using Hybrid Design capabilities, Wireframe & Surface features can also be created inside Geometrical Sets or Ordered Geometrical Sets, depending on user needs.

If Hybrid Design is turned off, Wireframe & Surface features can « only » be created inside Geometrical Sets or Ordered Geometrical Sets, but can not be created in Solid Bodies.

Designing without Hybrid Design

How to activate Hybrid Design ?

Hybrid Design can be activated/deactivated in Preferences / Common Preferences / Object Properties / 3DShape / Infrastructure

Note that the option “Wireframe and surface elements are created in a body” is to be used preferably to facilitate user’s understanding.

What are the Pros & Cons of Hybrid Design ?

Main added values of using Hybrid Design are, according to me, the following ones

1- Ease of use of the “linear” approach

  • No need to switch from Solid bodies to Geometrical Sets or Ordered Geometrical Sets depending of features types
  • Only features that can be used for creating new ones are visible

2- Ease of re-use of the “linear” approach

  • “Simplest” methodology for Part reuse, either by the same user or another one.

  • No need to spend (loose) time trying to understand links between features in different bodies of different types

3-Flexibility for user who can mix both approaches

  • Wireframe & Surface features with Solid one in Solid bodies
  • Wireframe & Surface features inside Geometrical Sets or Ordered Geometrical Sets,for instance for Part Skeleton features

The only drawback I can see of using Hybrid Design is that it's a structured approach “only”, which can be seen as « too limited » for users who want

  • to manage Wireframe & Surface feature independently of solid ones
  • to create non linear design and use CATIA modeling capabilities when using this kind of design methodologies

Hybrid Design and Knowledgeware

Thanks to a dedicated preference, parameters and relations can be created inside Solid bodies too.

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