Geometrical Set Organization GSD CATIA V5 - Surfacing

I think that one of the most important topic that should be learnt from a CATIA Designer is how to organize features in Surface Design.

Since I learned GSD on the field (in the company), I tried that a better features organization, when you are designing a complex geometry make you save much time. As you know, in solid modeling, features are updated in a linear order. Following features can have only links with previous commands (solids).

In GSD this does not happen and an existing feature can have links to a following feature.

After reading something about which is the best organization in GSD design, I try to follow a scheme liket that (as much as possible), organizing the surface modeling in different geometrical sets:

- Reference Geometries (Isolated Or datum elements, like design surfaces). This could be one or more Geometrical Sets.

- Construction Geometries. If existing. Geometries created and modified in the contest of the modeling

- Surfaces Operations I (Surfaces Features, trying to reduce them as much as possible)

- Surface Operation II (Trim and Splits)

- Join (What will become a solid)

What do you think about that? Do you follow a different scheme?