Don't miss next week's live panel discussion hosted by the Financial Times, with our CATIA CEO @OS
What will the business environment look like after Covid-19 and what shifts can car manufacturers and their suppliers make to bounce forward, rather than back?
The coronavirus pandemic raises important questions about the global economy and how prepared entire industries are for widespread and atypical disruptions. Structural weaknesses are magnified for all to see. Hidden strengths are revealed. While the long-term impact of the crisis is yet to be fully understood, there is little doubt that it will be far-reaching. As the auto industry marshalls all its ingenuity, technology, and collective might to chart a course through, can it also find a way, not just to recover (which implies a return to how things were), but to recalibrate?
The scale and speed of the response to the Covid-19 crisis has been astonishing. What strategies and thinking arising out of this crisis could be mobilised to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, climate-resilient automotive industry?