From zero to hero in MBSE in 10 weeks

From zero to hero in MBSE in 10 weeks - a Dassault Systemes / Accenture MBSE Initiative.

​​​​​​​Systems Engineering is a methodology of making complex products work efficiently by discovering all Stakeholder needs early in the project and creating transparency &, clarity with a common architecture model as a guidance for all downstream processes.

A digital thread for the whole product life cycle and collaboration along a model based digital thread is a key enabler for modern Systems Engineering. 

This 30min Video shows the work in progress of an interdisciplinary team, using the Systems Engineering principles to demonstrate todays capabilities of the 3DExperience Platform for Cyber Physical Systems for a given use-case with a modular systemic architecture of an autonomeous moving device in an Airport use case scenario. 


Shared with many customers and prospects so far, this demo case shows quite light-weighted, that learning and using a MBSE methodology is not rocket science (even if you can surely design rockets with it.:))

I hope, this case inspires you towards your Systems Engineering Journey with the great vision of connecting all the dots in large projects and to transform your way of working!​​​​​​​