{Event} EWEST 3DEXPERIENCE® Conference | Modelling & Simulation

Dear CATIA Community members,

Our first French 3DEXPERIENCE® Conference on Modelling & Simulation will take place on October 1-2, 2019, at La Plaine Saint-Denis!

This is a unique opportunity to bring together the design, modelling and simulation communities and to foster collaboration and synergy among all engineering disciplines! As the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform do, let’s connect the dots!

Through plenary sessions about strategy, vision and values of the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform in the framework of Industry Renaissance and parallel tracks for a deep-dive into modelling and simulation specific subjects, you will discover a world of expertise and achievements with  CATIA and SIMULIA brands, including connections between both.

The agenda is available on the event website.

Feel free to register and invite your colleagues and relations to join. Let's spread the news around you!

We are looking forward from seeing you at the event!

The Dassault Systèmes events team.

Mod-Sim ​​​​​​​3DXCONFERENCE ​​​​​​​