Easily place mechanical components on a sketch of points (Smart Mechanical Component app)

Using a sketch of points is very convenient to precisely locate mechanical components into an assembly. With Smart Mechanical Components application you may use a sketch of points to place mechanical components instances

  • Create a Component Specifications selection pattern on sketch of points
    • Define a sketch of points as input of a Component Specifications Pattern
    • An axis system will be automatically created for each point in the sketch
    • Pattern is associative to sketch design change via update
  • When placing components on a Component Specifications pattern ( curve, sketch of points, selection, linear) a new option allows to create an Assembly Pattern to place multiple components instance
    • in case of modification of the component specification pattern (add or delete a point into the sketch) the assembly pattern will update accordingly
  • Precise component placement taking benefit of the CATIA Sketcher 
  • Generative component placement solution from the geometric features to the assembly structure: add a point in the sketcher, a new component instance is placed

Mechanical Design Electrical Engineering Fluid Engineering 

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