🆕 Discover CATIA SysML V2 Early Experience Program 🎄🎁

After years of active Dassault Systèmes and CATIA Teams engagement with the OMG SST and SMC working groups, and an initial development phase with MBSE thought leaders and leading adopters, we are now inviting the broader community to join the CATIA SysML v2 Early Experience Program. This includes current CATIA Magic and No Magic Customers, Partners, and Academic institutions. The program is being introduced alongside the 2024x Refresh2 release.





Key Values
✅ 100% Standard Conformance: full adherence to the OMG SysML v2 draft specification metamodel
✅ Synchronized Textual and Graphical Authoring
✅ Extensibility and Customization
✅ SysML v2 REST API support
✅ Model Execution/Evaluation
✅ An integrated, user-friendly, thoughtfully designed product

To know more  

To join the CATIA SysML v2 Early Experience Program

  • Install CATIA Magic/No Magic 2024x Refresh2 Desktop Client
  • The designated Point of Contact (POC) from your organization should contact CATIA.EMEAR.sysml2-eep@3ds.com
  • You will also benefit from an access to the CATIA SysMLv2 Early Experience Program Community with dedicated demonstration tutorials, Q&A and MBSE practitioners discussions. 

      SysMLv2  MBSE  CATIA Magic