Cyber System Modeling and Simulation for accident-free Autonomous Mobility Solutions

Dear CATIA Communities,

The CATIA promise is to ” SHAPE THE WORLD WE LIVE IN “
IF WE CAN model and simulate CYBER PHYSICAL Mobility SYSTEMs,
WE CAN help car makers & mobility service providers to develop Autonomous Mobility System that are Smarter & Safer, thus saving development costs & reducing time to market.  

WHY are we investing on Autonomous Mobility Solutions ?

@LM ​​​​​​​, VP Transportation & Mobility
"New Mobility is continuously evolving : it represents an important investment in Europe. 60 billion \$ in 2019. It requires system approach to handle the complexity.

From new mobility experiences, to value network description & optimization, to new ways of working in Software and mechatronics. CATIA Cyber System is already a pillar. We reinforce our solution Smart, Safe and Connected in simulation thanks to AV Simulation’ solutions. It is key for Car maker in order to be compliant with news regulations (EU : 2022 & 2024), and mandatory  for suppliers at the AD system level."

@GB CATIA Strategy 
“Automated Driving is now a key enabler of Mobility as a Service. SAE has defined 5 levels of Automation. Most of today’s vehicles doesn’t go beyond Level 2, Vehicle System complexity & upcoming regulations make it very tough to introduce Level 3. Going Level 3+ requires several millions or billions of km of test drive to be performed. Therefore, there are no other options that to adopt massive virtual simulation”

What CATIA has to offer to cover this process end to end ?

​​​​​​​@VL CATIA Cyber System, Industry Process Expert Senior Manager

“The different processes to develop ADAS and Autonomous Mobility System is an end to end endeavor from the elicitation of the mobility mission thanks to a  System of System architecture to Certification Driven mobility Experience based on Massive simulation. 3DEXPERIENCE will be the key enabler to make of proof of the reliability of the Autonomous Driving features"


Here is a teaser video that illsutrate our partnership with AVS:

And all videos illustrating the scenario / spiral :


Discover more:


Systems Engineering ​​​​​​​Cyber Physical Systems ​​​​​​​Transportation and Mobility ​​​​​​​Stories ​​​​​​​3DS CATIA Executives