Critical Embedded Systems Validation: a New Era with STIMULUS (episode 2)

Systems Engineering ​​​​​​​STIMULUS ​​​​​​​

On Monday, we explained the need to make sure that functional requirements are correct, complete, consistent, etc… How can you achieve this?

An innovative approach is to use a vocabulary that has the appearance of natural language, but underneath supports precise (and ideally, executable) semantics. The requirements are easy to understand and provide powerful simulation capabilities. This respects the current industry practice whilst the possible behaviours of the system are visible before it is developed.

This requirement can be simulated and the resulting specification behaviour can be shown as here:

The dotted lines show us the specification holes (missing requirements). System Engineers can easily write a few requirements and observe if the system will behave as desired. Many errors can be found such as conflicting requirements, useless ones, etc…

This solves the need for a trusted functional specification validated through simulation.

Now, for getting a high level of confidence on the specification, it should be stimulated by a high number of test cases, let’s see this topic tomorrow.

We’ll continue next Tuesday, stay tuned for the next and last episode


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