CATIA World Cup Ball

Hello dear CATIA users,

Four days ago, @LI challenged us to design the official World Cup ball in this post.

Here is our response to this challenge:


Let’s think about the innovative design of this ball. It is a 22 cm diameter sphere which is divided in six identical parts delimited by circles drawn on the sphere. Once you notice that, the strategy is all found. Go in your Generative Shape Design App, create a sphere and a set of plane to compute circular intersections. Once all your circles are drawn on the sphere, you just need to slice it and extract the surfaces you want.

You can then give a realistic aspect to the ball with a VCC leather material and decals for pixel patterns and World Cup logo.

Feel free to download the following model with and without the human and use it to express your creativity in your 3D models. 


TAGS: Best practice Creative Design Styling Industrial Design