CATIA Talk | MODSIM - Conceptual modeling of a modular platform for eV

​​​​​​​450 new Electric Vehicle Models are expected to be launched by 2022!

​​​​​​​This would necessitate a tremendous amount of effort and cost from OEM’s and Innovative Startup’s to convert their current ideas to vehicle programs, in very short time frame.

Leveraging a Modular Platform/Skateboard, has potential to consolidate the effort and cost, to develop these vehicle programs.

Developing a modular skateboard requires, all variants & configuration to be developed and validated concurrently from the concept phase itself.

CATIA SFE CONCEPT, with its implicitly parametric geometry and modular library, has the right tools to kick-start such a development.  

EV CONCEPT FEM  MODSIM SFE Concept ​​​​​​​SFE ​​​​​​​CATIA Talk ​​​​​​​

To learn more, come join us for a CATIA Talk, by Martin Dreau