CATIA Design Contest : Newt Wall : World Environment Day (June)

Hello Everyone,

I'm @KN (CATIA) & My Friend @SP (SIMULIA) & Here is our proposition.

We Introduced to "Newt Wall" for Indian Citizens​​​​​​​, for fourth session of the CATIA Design Contest on the topic of World Environment Day.


Today, Over 50 percent of the world’s population is living in cities. Dwellers are suffering from syndromes such as stress, cancer and allergies caused by heat, noise and air pollution. Therefore, the Newt Wall has been developed. It is a vertical plant wall that filters the air, cools the surroundings and reduces noise. In combination with its potential to display advertisements, it is a marketing tool for companies. As a result, we provide clean and cool air which is economically profitable.

Keywords: air pollution, climate protection, climate change, fine dust, nitrogen oxide, Newt Wall, sustainability, vertical plant wall, moss.



Project objectives

Reduce air pollution, air temperature and noise using mosses; Self-sufficient energy and watering system; Environmentally friendly construction; Increase in biodiversity and green space in cities.

Project Brief

The ability of certain moss cultures to filter pollutants such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides from the air makes them ideal natural air purifiers. But in cities, where air purification is a great challenge, mosses are barely able to survive due to their need for water and shade.

This problem can be solved by connecting different mosses with fully automated water and nutrient provision based on unique Internet of Things technology. Air filtering performance is quantitatively proven and the plants’ requirements are measured in real time. That’s how the Newt Wall came into being.

The installation is self-actuating via sophisticated controls and monitoring. The water supply is monitored and plants are watered via captured rainfall from a tank also containing nutrients, with the water pumped is around the growing areas using power generated by solar panels. Indoor setups can have their tanks refilled for watering, still requiring far less maintenance than a tree.

Newt Wall Specifications

Mosses For Cleaner Air

Different types of moss bind environmental toxins such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides while producing oxygen at the same time.

Cutting Edge IoT Technology

Integrated IoT technology delivers comprehensive information on performance and status as well as environmental data on the Newt Wall surroundings.

Variable Ventilation

Controllable ventilation technology allows airflow to be intensified, meaning that the filter effect can be increased as required.

Optimum Watering

Water provision is either connected or independent & water pumped is around the growing areas using power generated by solar panels.

Energy Provision

Energy is provided via grid connection.

Pleasant Cooling Effect

Mosses store large quantities of moisture, and the considerably increased evaporation surface creates an immense cooling effect.

Seating Area

A comfortable platform invites you to relax.

Smart Display

It is a marketing tool for companies.

Exhaust Fan Simulation 

    Simulation is very helpful in developing this product. This will gives us insights to decide about the speed of fan and its positioning in the system for optimized output of air circulation through moss.

    Climate-focused activities

    Climate change mitigation:

    • Increase green urban nature for carbon storage (wetlands, tree cover)

    Main beneficiaries

    • Local government/Municipality
    • Private sector/Corporate/Company
    • Citizens or community groups

    Impacts and Monitoring

    Environmental impacts

    • Climate, energy and emissions
    • Lowered local temperature
    • Enhanced carbon sequestration
    • Environmental quality
    • Improved air quality
    • Reduced noise exposure
    • Green space and habitat
    • Increased green space area

    Socio-cultural impacts

    • Health and wellbeing
    • Gain in activities for recreation and exercise

    360 deg Video 


    Software's Used

    Designed In: 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA (Mechanical & Shape Design) & Realtime Human 

    Rendered In: 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Live Rendering

    ​​​​​​​Simulation In : SIMULIA CFD Solutions  

    3D DATA

    Design Contest