Hello Community,
I would like to share with you a very cool project that we have done internally, showcasing the power of collaboration between multiple departments and how our CATIA Creative Design App can help to define a product that is meeting trends, users expectations and company requirements.
Project Presentation
Goal: Starting from an existing technical package, the goal is to re-design a new jigsaw including some new functionalities coming from the marketing brief:
- Laser guide for cutting
- Dust aspirator
- 24V Battery cells integration
Technical Datas Package
CREATIVE Design work
While we are taking into consideration the marketing requirements, our goal was to meet more users expectations like:
- More ergonomic product
- Customization ( for casual user)
- two battery pack ( 12V and 24V) :
- casual user (12V) lighter product in term of weight and size, less battery life, lighter design
- professional users (24V): bigger product ( weight and size) longer battery life
- Clean and nice design without angular shape ...
> Let's start the design exploration!!!
>>Combining CATIA Imagine & Shape and Human Design we are able the end-user at the center of the creation process exploring multiple shapes, parameters, hand position and so on. Let's see this in video:
Apps: Imagine & Shape / Human Design >>When the main shape is found, it is time to refine it a bit, including more details like battery pack etc:
Here, the procedural approach allows the user to change the design multiple time, and everything will be updated. Also, the integrated selective section command is a real advantage when it comes to engineering datas integration.
Apps: Imagine & Shape / Generative Shape Design>>While exploring the concept, add materials could help to better understand the concept, where the different materials could be applied, taking the function into consideration. It is a first approach, not the final stage of the product.
Apps: Live Rendering>> Now, let's explore user customization by integrating a pattern that will improve the grip of the jigsaw. And it is time to share the concept progress with the project community to get first feedbacks.
Apps: Live Rendering & xGenerative Design >> It is time to present what we have ideate during all these steps. Here, we are making a presentation showing all solutions, materials variants, ... to be validated by the project team. The goal is to share in one review all the work done to all stakeholders in order to make the right choice. The navigation between all configurations is intuitive and the experience as smooth as possible.
Apps: Product Perception Experience
>>Here we have seen a part of the development process, it is not a one way process, doing back and force and iterations in this process could, surely, be done. And people from others departments ( engineering, manufacturing, marketing ...) could collaborate and start to work using the up to date datas in the 3DExperience Platform.
Full story:
Thank you all for reading this Design & Styling Creative Design Stories, more to come on how to perform all these steps in details with Tutorials