Sustainable Infrastructures ​​​​​​​

Dear all, please find in this post the FD04 Construction highlights

ENHANCED APP | CATIA Terrain Preparation 

Terrain Image Mapping

  • Parameter update: Management and synchronization of mapping parameters of all images through a sheet table
  • Propagation: New option added to allow the propagation of an image mapping extension defined on a terrain on features having the same terrain as input

Access to the command "Link to spreadsheet"

A button has been added to launch the command "Link to spreadsheet" with the current terrain selected: instead of launching the command from the section "Tools" in action bar.

Mapping information can be propagated to other terrains.

Terrain(s) / feature(s) selections

Terrain(s) / feature(s) modifying current terrain and having it as input

ENHANCED APP | Civil Engineering 3D MODELING

Road/Rail functional improvements

Alignment | Improve Transition Curves

  • Improved definition of horizontal curves with the support of Compound transitions

Road/Rail | Subgrade Geometrical Design

  • A new command used to design the layers of the road/rail project that are between the track and the excavation

Road/Rail Design | Sculpting enhancements

  • New option when creating modified terrain to choose the result with or without “excavations and fillings”
  • Creation of Boundaries on modified terrains

Civil Engineering ​​​​​​​Architecture Construction ​​​​​​​

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CATIA R2019x FD04 Highlights