After last (marvelous) episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, I decided to enrich my collection of "Captain America and other Marvel 3D Shields".
First, I decided to design John Walker / US Agent shield, as this new character appeared at the end of the last Friday episode.
And I put this shield "in context" of a human avatar.
Then, I switch back to a "What if... ?" Shield: let's imagine Captain America was an Hydra member.
Coming back to the Heros side of Marvel Universe, I think you remember my S.H.I.E.L.D. shield.
I have developed an "energy" version of this one.
This one gave me the idea then to design some magical shields, created by another Marvel Super-Hero: Doctor Strange.
No so easy to design in real 3D exact geometry, but I like the result in 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA.
I created 2 different versions, just to showcase 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA powerful visualization capabilities.
As a conclusion, here is my complete shields collections... as of today.