Hello Everyone !
The aim of this post and of the EKL script presented below is to allow a user to easily apply materials on its parts.
For this, we are going through an Action or Reaction.
The video below guide you in the comprehension of this process. ( /!\ Put your Headphones for a Full Experience /!\ )
I hope that it will help some of you , or maybe just give you new ideas… Just let me know in the comments or by PM if you have any questions or even any ideas to improve the process shown.
Just a little reminder here on few EKL elements to have them in mind before watching the video:
- What's an Action ?
An Action allows you to run an EKL script. It very easily let you introduce logic, conditions, rules in order to create very adaptive design.
- What's a Reaction
Reactions are similar to actions with the difference that they can be automatically trigerred by a selected source
- What's a PLMQuery ?
A PLMQuery object allow to search for objects of a certain type in database
And here is the script used for both Action and Reaction
let repref(VPMRepReference) repref=GetPLMOwner(`Material To Apply` ) Let ref ( VPMReference) set ref=repref.AggregatingReference let mat (dsc_matref_ref_Core) let matCnx(`Applied Material`) let path (String) path = "" let plmQ(PLMQuery) let plmQR(PLMQueryResult) let results(list) plmQ = CreatePLMQuery("CATMATReference") plmQ.AddCriterion("V_Name",`Material To Apply` ) results = plmQ.RunQuery() plmQR = results.GetItem(1) set mat = plmQR.LoadResult(True) SetMaterialCore(ref,path, mat, matCnx)