📣 COExperience | 16-19 April, Miami, NAM
Conferences, HandsOn with our CATIA Experts, such as:
- MBSE : System Simulation and analysis with SysML by @SP
- Concept Engineering for Efficient Structure Development: Journey & Vision by @MP
- Arrangements & Fluid Systems 2023x Update by @PF, @OA
- Composites Manufacturing - What is new in 2023x
- Composites End-to-End in 2023x: Design, Simulation, & Manufacturing by @EA, @JB
- CATIA MAGIC -- 3DEXPERIENCE Platform -- Power By live demonstration and Roadmap by
- @SP, @RG
- CATIA & SOLIDWORKS for Equipment Manufacturers by @OA
- xGenerative Design & CATIA Visual Scripting by @GA, @CD
- CATIA MBSE For Small Modular Reactors @OA
- Light Weight Engineering and Topology Optimization – Including R2023x Update by
- @CS, @CD
- Reverse Engineering - 2023x Update by @DP
- 3DEXperience covers the full Additive Process, Design to Manufacturing to Simulation by
- @DP
- CATIA for Mechanical Engineering - 2023x Update by @JA
- Generative Design of Thin Parts - SheetMetal by @DP
- End-to-End MBSE PowerBy the 3DExperience platform
- MBSE EV Battery - Analyze Requirement Change in Collaborative Framework by @JK,
- Why Move From V5 to 3DX Now - Very Good Reasons by @DP
- Concept Structure Engineering - GSD of the Future - ModSim by @DP
TOP Gun Challenge 🏆
all best CATA Users are welcomed to demonstrate their skills during this contest