The move to the 3D EXPERIENCE platform is being pushed very hard by Solidworks and Dassauult, but for many existing Solidworks customers, especially the micro and SME ones, it is difficult to see the benefit this product shift brings. This is exacerbated by constantly shifting marketing messages, pricing and indeed, the products themselves.
One way Solidworks could enable the transition to 3DX would be to include access to it in standard desktop SolidWorks maintenance. Like many, we stay on active maintenance plans to get access to product upgrades and service packs. Like many, we see less and less value in this each year as the focus of development is on 3DX integration and bug fixing in Solidworks. So what I suggest is this:
Solidworks Standard active maintenance users get 3DX collaboration and 3D Creator
Solidworks Professional active maintenance users get 3DX collaboration and 3D Creator and 3D Sculptor
Solidworks Premium active maintenance users get above plus an additional CATIA module
Perhaps this should be linked to years on maintenance in the past, to prevent off maintenance users jumping back on to get access? Not sure. This is essentially a zero cost or low cost exercise for SolidWorks. It provides a powerful customer retention incentive to those customers who have stayed on maintenance and supported the company and their resellers through challenging times.
But above all else it is a critical marketing boost to encourage uptake.