Today, it´s the same as in the last 7 years: after some platform update, the browser based things such as 3DSwym are working (if using the right browser with the right settings in the right network environment) but all things related to the desktop system (such as 3DEX Launcher, SWX Connector and its predecessors, in the past also the thick-clients for the rich apps) are struggling. One have to check, if the new 3DEX platform version is compatible with the given Java version >> if not, one have to de-install the given Java >> search for the correct Java version in the web >> struggling around with changed Oracle formalities >> searching for the desired type of Java install >> think about x32 and x64 >> install the new Java >> check the correct environment variables >> be aware, that the old pre-requisites from the old 3DEX install have to be deleted >> ... when DS is talking about zero CAD & IT overhead for the 3DEX platform, I would expect a one-click setup.