Team Discover gives Nurses SUPERPOWERS!

An entry in the EUvsVirus, a European-led Hackathon, seems really interesting on my grounds. Let's read below what they have to say: 

We are Team Discover

Our solution enables a highly scalable patient monitoring system that minimizes physical contact between nurses and patients, which also leads to smaller shortage of protective gear. Instead of occasional visits, our device measures vital parameters real-time and uploads each patient’s data into a central server. With the help of our dashboard, doctors and nurses can oversee hundred times more patients, while our automatic alert functionalities make it possible to diagnose deteriorating cases instantly and to reach quicker reaction times.  

In the span of 48 hours, we developed a fully-functional 3D printed, sensor-equipped glasses that makes the process of patient monitoring faster and safer. The equipment doesn’t require the presence of a nurse, which allows for a more scalable monitoring process, less use of protective gear and a reduced risk of close physical contact, and to top it all, the data will be online.



Read more about our invention here :​​​​​​​