Setting up the Ultimate SOLIDWORKS & PDM Testing Environment - IC693947

Tom and Martin will discuss different methods that can be used to upgrade both SOLIDWORKS & PDM while eliminating risk to your live data. Having many years of experience performing system upgrades, there isn't much that we have not seen, tried, tested or even failed at. Other topics include: Building that pesky test environment. Building and implementing test protocols to assure your company data security. The different approaches to build and distribute the Admin Image (SOLIDWORKS & PDM installation). Installation performance and application testing. Deciding how much or if any "What's New" user training is needed, and how this can impact the end users experience. Deciding when there has been enough testing and you are ready to go!



Tom Cote

Owner/ CAD & PDM Admin Specialist, Applied CAD Solutions

Tom was an early adopter of SOLIDWORKS starting in 1996. Starting his career as a Mech Design Eng before transitioning to CAD & PDM Administration to eventually becoming an industry leader in PDM Administration and Implementation. In the early days before SOLIDWORKS Tom was also a seasoned user and admin on other early CAD systems, eg: Unigraphics, AutoCAD and Cadkey. Tom founded Applied CAD Solutions in 2011 where he administrates, installs, migrates CAD data, and trains SOLIDWORKS & PDM throughout the world. Tom has actually installed & Implemented over 60 PDM systems worldwide. Tom enjoys continually learning about all things CAD, SOLIDWORKS & PDM and then sharing that knowledge. He has been active in the SWUG community for the last 15 years, having been one the cofounders of the CMA-SWUG, later started the Pirates of Tampa SWUG as well as the co-founder of the virtual PDM SWUG. Tom has presented at SWUG’s all over North America and was the presenter for the very first SLUGME.

Marty Ohnemus

Sr. PLM/CAD Administrator, The Knapheide Manufacturing Company

Martin is a long time CAD user and designer. Starting with board drafting, he studied both Architectural and Mechanical Design. He then moved on to CAD and was able to apply this in many different areas such as carpentry, countertop fabrication and home renovations. In 2013 Martin joined The Knapheide Manufacturing Company and is currently the PLM/CAD Administrator. Martin is the Leader of the Knap U Internal SWUG & the Co-leader of the PDM SWUG. He is blessed with a loving wife and three amazing kids. Martin enjoys coaching his children in the different sports and activities they are apart of, wood working and many other outdoor activities.