435_Seamless SOLIDWORKS-PDM-ERP-CPQ Integrations Start with Your Model Structure

Do you have a mature product offering, but every time you supersede a part number, the feature tree gets littered with broken external references or mate errors? Maybe you're trying to automate data transfer between PDM to ERP but can't seem to get away from human intervention? CPQ software sounds great, but don't know how to get started? Integrating multiple business systems starts with proper model construction. Let's talk about top-down vs. bottom-up modelling and a hybrid approach. construction/skeleton parts, external references (both 'lateral', in-context assembly references, and 'vertical' part references) and the problem with indiscriminate use, configurations and proper utilization of them, etc. We'll discuss using a single BOM for a configurable product which - when used in conjunction with a CPQ system and "requirements files" - simplifies the ECN process, as well as using configurations and independently serialized drawings to represent manufacturing routings.

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