1336 - Choosing the Best Hardware for SOLIDWORKS

In this talk, we will discuss different hardware components that would optimally perform for core SOLIDWORKS based on different kinds of use cases. We will also discuss the importance of supporting softwares like graphics drivers and other utilities that users can use to introspect their machines as well benchmark SOLIDWORKS.

We will also discuss the performance benefits of the Renderpipeline initiative and show how performance scales across different graphics cards models and generations. We will provide a description of consumer and professional graphics cards and other system component offerings from different vendors. We will answer questions to what specs one would need to keep an eye out when purchasing CPU, RAM, graphics cards and hard disks based on your type of work and workloads.

Users attending this session would grasp what to lookout for when assembling a PC optimized for SOLIDWORKS and how to maintain and upgrade their PCs as well.
CAD Management ​​​​​​​SOLIDWORKS ​​​​​​​Siddharth Palaniappan ​​​​​​​
