As and when the Top Ten List for 3DXW22 gets launched, I have a suspicion that things like "reinstate online licensing" might just get submitted by one or two people. Then, as every year, this suggestion and its ilk will be removed from the TTL because it does not pertain to core SolidWorks functionality.
Please, for this year, can we have some mechanism of submitting and voting for ideas that relate to the wider SolidWorks usage EXPERIENCE? Improvements to the software aren't the only thing we want or need, and currently we have no way of expressing this. Looking at some of the ideas from last year:
...I think it's safe to assume "reinstate online licensing" would get more votes than "hole wizard to have hole colors".
So, please, let us have our say on matters that relate to the wider SolidWorks usage EXPERIENCE, with full voting in the list. Even if at World you then present the "SW Functions TTL" to cover the traditional list you'd normally let us vote on, and then a separate filtered list of the non-core-software features we'd like.
Remember, it's the changes to the wider SolidWorks ecosystem that are just as likely, if not more likely, to push us to competitor products. It would seem churlish to ignore our concerns and suggestions.