Register now for the 'Masterclass in SolidCAM SIM 5X Milling – Part 3' webinar -
Presented by Amod Onkar
DATE: August 12, 2021
TIME: 1:00 pm GMT / 8:00 am US Eastern
SolidCAM is pleased to continue our Simultaneous 5-Axis Milling Masterclass 3-part series. In part 3 of this series, we will touch upon the following areas in SolidCAM Simultaneous 5-Axis Milling:
- Application-Based Simultaneous 5-Axis Milling
- Multiblade Machining for Impellers & Blisks
- Rotary Machining
- Port Machining
- MultiAxis Machining
- Edge Breaking
- Edge Trimming
Key Take-Aways from this SIM 5-Axis Masterclass are:
- Participants will get a 360-degree view of SolidCAM’s Powerful Application Based Automated 5 Axis Strategies.
- Most Powerful Edge Breaking Cycle.
- Edge Trimming for Vacuum Formed parts & Composite parts.