Zipper Joint for Thin Plates (3D Printed)

Zipper Joint

How do you join two thin 3D printed plates end on end? Use the Zipper Joint!
In this case I needed that for printing 16.75" long dividers of a drawer organizer.

The build plate is only 10"...



First Use Case: Drawer Organizer

My most important client asked for a sock drawer divider for a very popular IKEA night stand.


The problem was the length of the dividers being larger than the build plate.

So, how do you join rigidly 2mm thick plates without using glue or adding extra bulk? ?


I experimented with different ideas and I think I found the right combination for the perfect end-to-end joint. Once joined together, the plates cannot be easily taken apart.

This is the result (modeled in #SOLIDWORKS 2024):


Even if you do not need a drawer divider, you might still be interested in seeing how two thin plates can be joint into a much larger one with no glue. That means there are no limits on how long such plates can be!!!

This profile is the first iteration that made this special client happy:


Plates 1 and 2: Main Divider Plates

On the first two plates you will find the two main pieces of a 16 ¾" long divider.

To join them simply align the zipper and gently tap each bit in its place. Once assembled, the connection is very rigid and the two parts stay nicely aligned. They will act as one piece!

Plate 3: Bottom Support

You can use the main divider with the bottom support from plate 3 (shown in the picture above). This way it will stand on its own.

Plates 4 and 5: Side Dividers

I have also included two side dividers if you want to join multiple main dividers together:

  • 8.75" long x 4" high on plate 4
  • 7" long full height on plate 5.

They can be inserted in the slots on the main divider, every inch. The design allows the use of side dividers end to end as shown below.

Next Steps

In the following days I plan to further refine the design and add more options for the cross dividers. 

What other applications do you suggest for the Zipper Joint?

3DPrint ​​​​​​​soldiworks ​​​​​​​3DX ​​​​​​​sock ​​​​​​​socks ​​​​​​​sock drawer ​​​​​​​drawer ​​​​​​​organizer ​​​​​​​zipperzip