Hello, I'm Bailey Brown and I would love to share my SOLIDWORKS project that is based on an entity from the video game Destiny named Ghost. This is one of my first SOLIDWORKS assemblies and I'm proud of how it turned out. I created this with intent to 3D print to give to my roommate and my friend Gemma. The geometry provided a fun challenge that allowed me to explore an array of features in SOLIDWORKS that were previously unknown to me, such as the wrap feature, numerous surfacing features, and 3D sketch.
While the project could have been accomplished without surfacing, I opted to utilize these tools as a learning opportunity. Creating this component was a great was to realize the numerous routes one can take to create a component, whether a route is more efficient than another, they will usually all get you to the same place! A challenge I faced was the assembly; being my first assembly in SOLIDWORKS, I was not used to the tool placement or the work flow, so it took more work to figure out where to go. I loved being able to edit my parts on the fly in the assembly though!
After the design was complete, I 3D printed it using Bambu Labs software and a Bambu P1S printer with matte black PLA.
This was a fun project and I loved seeing the final product! Hope you enjoyed my work.