LIGHTin3D contest is launched !!

Hi Everyone,

We just launched the new "LIGHTin3D" competition! In line with this community and with the previous contests legacy, we decided to mix creativity, 3D modeling, 3D printing, and a bit of optics...

This time again, a cool sponsor agreed to support the competition: Wacom. The winner's iPad Mini will thus be nicely complemented :-)


Competition rules: 

1) The participant should design an original 3D model of a lighting system / lamp that has the particularity to create original glimpse of light in the environment around it (shapes on walls, etc...). The participant is allowed to use any 3D design/CAD tool available. The model proposed by the participant should ideally also be "3D-printable", i.e. participant should be keeping in mind the 3D printing constraints.

2) Once the model is created, upload it in the media section of this community. When uploading, the participant must tag this 3D model with “lightin3d”. Obviously, the model uploaded by the participant should be absolutely original and not a kind of copy of anything already existing.

3) Finally, the participant must create a blog post on the blog section of this community that explains his 3D Model in details, and that also highlights the shadow+light effects produced by the 3D Model. Be creative in this part: presentation in context, high definition renderings, videos, "3D-print ready"... of course, the more interesting for the community readers, the better (see Winner's selection below). Submission is accepted until June 20th 2014, 6PM CET.


Winner's selection: 

From June 20th, 6 PM CET, the community visitors and members will have access to a dedicated survey on the community that will allow them to vote for their preferred creation. By this rule, participants understand that the better the post (exhaustivity, clarity of explanations, context...), the higher the probability to be voted winner. Survey will be closed on June 27th 2014, 6 PM CET, and winner will be announced shortly after, based on the survey's results.


Winner's gifts:

The winner's prize will be awarded to the participant who created the best post among all others: one iPad Mini, one Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus and a customized 3D print award.

 If you need to see more details, have a look at the official rules: in English, in French.

 Now you have everything you needed to know! Don't hesitate to ask question as comments to this post, we will answer so that everyone gets all the information.