Kongsberg Ferrotech is researching underwater 3D printing

What is Kongsberg Ferrotech?:

Kongsberg Ferrotech breakthrough repair delivery technology is an industry first. The challenge with the repair and maintenance of subsea assets has always been that they reside underwater – often in some of the most challenging and dangerous places on the planet.

Kongsberg Ferrotech’s mission is to bring existing and proven topside repair solutions underwater where they can be used to solve subsea problems. They are not just bringing a single solution subsea. Their modular design allows them to bring multiple topside technologies and solutions underwater – all contained in a single habitat.

Underwater 3D Printing:

Kongsberg Ferrotech has finalized the development of a revolutionary “Subsea Additive Manufacturing for Lifetime Extension” technology. This underwater 3D printing research and development project will be performed with SINTEF and other major industry players and supported by the Research Council of Norway.

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