FPV antenna mount "unbreakable" design

Hello all,


i try to design an unbreakable antenna mount for my quadcopter. I'm an fpv racing addict, and the last quad i've mounted is really fast:


The violence of  crashs is increasing. I've tried differents mounts systems for the antenna (rx and vtx) but they all breaked.


So i decide, with the help of Jonathan Monfroy and the 3d experience lab to built my own support with flex 3d print material.

After différents versions ..i'm very happy with the result and the flex quality is good... now it's time to fly&crash to test it in the field !!


The first 2 différents versions:


solidworks modeling to cura.

Flex and wheight test:

final model in Catia :


mounting on the quad:

 Next step is to remove the SMA connector to earn weight and to adapt the CAD for a direct connection to the antenna.