Summary : this story shows the ModeliScale consortium project: motivation, challenges, outcomes and perspectives.
This episode will focus on implementation results in project, contribution to standard and impacts in consortium and communities.
Implementation in Tools and libraries
As described above, several assets have been prototyped in ModeliScale:
- IsamDAE for multi-mode Structural Analysis of models of DAE systems (Inria) :
- tool created , available for testing
- CATIA Dymola and DBM in 3DEXPERIENCE with multiple benefits:
- improved support of large scale, initialization new method, IsamDAE coupling prototyped, FMI V3 early enhancements, models translation, solvers for sparse systems, parallelism, multi rate execution, etc…
- several of these features available in 2021 portfolio
- DACCOSIM NG : open co-simulation platform, managed by EDF
- successive versions for FMI based co-simulation of systems (QSS Quantized State Systems, FMI V3)
- 4 library prototypes have been created:
- electrical components ElectricGrid (DPS),
- heat network components ThermoGrid (DPS),
- thermal components (Eurobios),
- electrical components PowerSysPro (EDF, open)
- 1 library has been enhanced :
- ESPL “Electric Power System Library” (3DS)
Modelling a large electrical network in CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE
Evolution in standards
3 evolution proposals have been proposed on the FMI standard, to be part of the future V3.0 major version :
- Early Return functionality
- Flow causal connectors
- BreakStep feature
with 2 topics accepted by the Design Committee
Two topics have been envisioned for evolution proposal on Modelica Language, and could be confirmed after project end:
- Structural analysis of DAE Systems
- Data assimilation for initialization
Impacts in communities
- Modelica: langage for multi physics modeling is defined by open specifications,
- New approaches presented with ~10 communication have been done (papers and others) along the 3 years of project,
- 4 libraries prototypes + 1 enhanced
- Presentation done in 2019 & 2021 Modelica Conferences
- FMI: standard for interoperability and model exchange is defined by open specifications,
- 3 change proposals have been done for V3.0 preparation
- Outcomes shared in other communities : Synchron : real time and embedded systems; CPS Week HSCC : hybrid & cyber physical systems, NAFEMS, pôles de competitivité
- General view of project in public web pages
Economic impacts in the consortium
- Raise of knowledge and expertise in Modelica, energy multi physics modeling and simulation in various domains (buildings, heat networks, mathematical approaches, initialization methods, …)
- Training offers created
- Jobs created by 4 partners
All these points are resulting in a strengthened support of the Digital Twin approach of Energy systems.
ModeliScale Stories SystemsEngineering Modelica FMI Dymola EnergyGrids
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