Project MUR - Minimal Universal Respirator

WHY : 

At this day, the medical world is lacking respirators to be able to work properly and save as many lives as possible. Today we observe :

  • A shortage of medical devices
  • A dysfunction of industrial supply channels
  • A shortage of trained health care workers

To face these challenges, since Monday, March 16,  the Club Sandwich Studio has been working on the creation of a low-cost and easily reproducible emergency artificial respiration device.


Club Sandwich Studio : 4 associate designers and our areas of expertise are engineering, electronics, embedded software and industrial development located in Paris, France.

  • Paul Couderc,
  • Arthur Siau,
  • Simon Juif,
  • Antoine Berr.

All content under GPLv3 license ; GDPR / Legal stuff
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The respirator is designed with the minimum possible material and is promoting the use of components accessible to as many people as possible.​​​​​​​ Keeping in mind that this respirator must be easy to use, efficient and intuitive, the main specifications can be summed up as follows :

  • Few expensive components, few parts
  • Easily reproducible
  • Rapidly deployable

The system is designed to be connected to any air source powerful enough and precisely regulated to provide respiratory assistance to people who need it, without any risk to the patient.


The physical settings available on MUR are :

  • Number of cycles per min (respiration rate)
  • Inhalation / exhalation ratio
  • Peak pressure (in cm H2O)
  • Plateau pressure (in cm H2O)
  • Expiratory pressure (in cm H2O)

One MUR is composed of :

  • (2x) 3D printed valves
  • (2x) actuators (simple standard actuators)
  • (1x) barometric sensor (pressure)
  • (1x) physical control box (with 5 potentiometers)
  • (1x) alarm and safety system to monitor patient status (peak pressure alarm and plateau alarm) and expiratory pressure (in cm H2O)
  • (1x) physical control box (with 5 potentiometers)
  • (1x) electronic board to control the whole (any type of Arduino)
  • (1x) activated carbon air filtration system

Completed with (to power several MURs) :

  • a 5V stabilized power supply
  • a blower
