WHY : Respirator shortage.
WHAT : Design a splitter to ventilate 2 patient using the same equipment.
Parker has been asked to help develop a splitter valve that would allow one hospital (we are working with the Cleveland Clinic) ventilator to service two patients (doubling capacity). Mike Clausen who you know is doing the design work out in California. Since the parts will likely be 3D printed – we were thinking this might be a useful and challenging test case for your generative design tools (CFD) as it is the valves internal geometry that presents some challenge (a lot actually). Can you help us? Craig Maxwell
With CATIA Function Driven Generative Design we can create optimized masks and distributors for ventilators. Using Flow Driven Generative Design we will be able to optimize the air flow and quadruple the use of 1 ventilator for 4 patients.