Filter Adapter Plate for CV19 Mask

WHY : Addressing the issue of what best filter to use on a 3D printed mask and how best to secure it to the mask.


This is an adapter plate, still in progress that is being designed to work with this project:

The adapter plate allows the facemask to accept a 3M Gas and Vapour Filters 6000 Series filter as shown in the image. These filters are still available in many stores for paint supplies and provide filtration. Additional sealing may be necessary.

Note: This is NOT a medical device. It has not been tested on the Coronavirus or other small particles and as such and any claim to the contrary is false and misleading. The use of something like this is a personal decision and this file is provided as a last resort option.

HOW : The design is shared on Thingiverse and is under review by MGH in Boston, MA, USA


WHO: Gregory Raiz - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​